How to Resolving Roku Error Code 011 | Roku com link support | Roku com link

Sometimes the Roku streaming devices may face some issues and indicate with the Roku error codes.  These issues might require some efficient troubleshooting. And by procuring appropriate technical help, you can resolve these issues by effortless means. You can acquire the best Roku Support on error code 011 by visiting our site at Roku com link. The Roku code 014 is a very common error and usually the major reason for other error such as 011. The error code 014 signifies that the device is finding tough to get connect to the Wi-Fi network. But at times, you may visualize the message warning that Roku unable to get connect with the local network or ‘Roku error code 011’.

Steps involved in resolving the Roku can’t connect to local network issues
Disable Network Pings

You can use the Roku remote to disable the network pings. To perform this you can select or open the Platform Secret Screen by sticking to the below steps. Push the home button 5 times and then press the forward button then the Play button and once again press the Rewind button, Play button, and Forward button consequently. Now you can navigate through the platform secret screen menu and then can click on “Disable network Pings” and this disabling of the network settings can resolve the Local Network Error Code issues

Connecting to other Network

Try connecting to an additional Network If not linked or Try using another hooked device such as the particular Smartphone or any other android devices. You can verify the Wi-Fi hotspot and can link the Roku device of the user to that network. Also, try connecting directly with the Ethernet cable which provides the best speed when compared to wireless connectivity and may resolve the Roku can’t connect to local network error or 011 error code issues.

Software upgrading

Use the Roku remote to open and unlock the “Secret Screen” for updating the software. The series of buttons to be pressed for opening the “secret screen” by pressing the home key 5 times. And then press 3 times the Forward button and 2 times the Rewind button. Now you will be able to locate and select the “Update Software” option.  Before the update, the device gets the reboot by itself. Now you can also turn off the Network Pings setting even after software program update.  Find “Disable network pings” on the menu after opening the secret screen using the same procedure. And then open the network pings setting and then disable the network pings.

For any furthermore, assistance on resolving the Roku error code 011 or ‘Roku can’t connect to local network” error, you can call us @+1-844-965-4357 or visit our site at Roku com link.


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